Tuesday, 24 November 2009


First of all im sorry for the gap, I hope you are all well!

Well well well where shall I start? Ive been busy promoting my mobile beauty therapy business aswell as my new venture spray tanning!

Its very early days but ive found out im pregnant too!! We are over the moon!! So lots going on here - sadly have ended my WW membership but dont worry ill be back this time next year to start again!

Im not going to leave my blog ill still check in with updates!

Thanks for all your support guys & girls I really have appreciated it!

Take care xxx


  1. oh wow Becky, Congratulations to you all. I hope you keep us updated regularly on your progress. Take care of yourself hunny x

  2. That is wonderful news, on both fronts. Congratulations.

  3. Many congratulations! Some exciting things are happening in your life.
    weight loss
