Friday, 31 July 2009

My gym canceled me :(

I called the gym to book my personal session for tonight, put the phone down excited but nervous... then they called me back to cancel as the trainer needs to run a class now instead. Never mind ill have to re-book.... but now im debating whether to go at all tonight? Shall I shan't I???

Food - On and off if im honest? I havent been naughty as such but towards the end of the week my choices have been great? I managed to get through the meal last night at Chiquitos, although we did share Nachos as the other couples ordered starters. I stuck with my paella and had NO dessert! Yeah NO dessert! Go me!

Tonight Mike has made a nice chunky chilli con carne with salad - which is a fav of mine! Ive had 10 points today out of 21 (but ive tried to stick to 18 this week to kick start things. This leaves me with 8 for tea which is plenty! Especially if I do go to the gym ill earn more! The pedometer is great I would truly recommend them again especially if like me you arent keen on excercise and sit at a desk all day long!

Within a week or so we should have internet access at home which will be great as I can join in the boards at night! Yey!!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Gym Bunny

Ive found excercise that I can enjoy! Yey! I braved the gym on Monday with Alison which is a first for me. For those that know me "I HATE EXCERCISE", but I actually really enjoyed it! Its quite unfair of me really to tarr excercise with the same brush as I hadnt found something I enjoyed. I think that one off spinning class was enough for me for a lifetime! But I think because I could go at my own pace and listen to my MP3 while watched Eastenders I didnt even notice I was excercising!
So I will be returning!
Food wise ive been good and trackered every morsal that has passed my lips. Im on a serious mission this week to shift some weight, my only concern is tomorrow night we are out with friends to Chiquitos..... according to the WW boards this place is the devils hideout eek! But ive found a points listing and im going to opt for the Paella which from memory I think is 13. Which "yes" this is high but ill have a low lunch and a light brekkie. At least we'll have a enjoyable evening without thinking that ive blown it for the week.

I made the Chicken Enchiladas recipe from last weeks booklet from class last night for me and Mike and was surprised by how nice it was! Although I made too much filling it was lovely and tasty for just 5.5points! I will make it again especially if im having friends over as you would never guess it was a WW recipe.

Tonight im having chicken breast (left from last night) with jacket potato with roasted veg! Yummy and very quick and low in points. Keeping with the excercise I may try and take on Davina tonight - not that I stand a chance SHE ALWAYS WINS! God damn DAVINA with her hot bod and none sweaty face!

Til later....

Monday, 27 July 2009


The title says it all.... thats how I felt when I hopped on the scales on Saturday. The clerk tells me a 4.5lb GAIN, I get off the scales as I cannot believe my eyes, then get back on hoping for a miracle!

She asks me "Was I expecting this gain?", I am dumbfounded or prehaps in denial? I shake my head holding the tears back, I tell her maybe a slight gain but not 4.5lbs! I take my card and tracker for the week and take my seat among all the happy people who have successfully followed the plan and have been treated with nice weight losses and wait for Deb to start the class.....

Where have things gone wrong.... I know how to do the plan and im confident that I could teach a class with nearly 2 yrs of solid experience behind me but im choosing to ignore my own advice. Its complacancy..... My gains are sooo much bigger these days, I cannot get away with going over points here and there and still have a nice loss on the weekend.

So by knowing my own mistakes why arent I rectifying them? Last week I found myself leafing through my wardrobe and looking for comfortable clothes as my work trousers are pinching on me :(

So I can choose to keep expanding afterall ive kept my size 24 jeans (as a memory) or loose weight - I know what I would rather be!

Thursday, 23 July 2009

Shaky Shaky

Chocolate binge today - no reason - not emotional - not hungry - maybe just greedy?
So after what I thought was going to be a great week may infact turn out terrible, so what can I do at this point?
Tomorrow is our Pizza @ Work day so we are having 20 YES 20 pizzas delivered for all the staff to enjoy (my stupid idea!) - which will be a disaster (if I eat everything in sight!)
So at this stage here and now I think I will find a class to weigh tonight instead of Thursday? Then I can just start a new week?

Its got the stage where in the morning's im trying to pick something that is comfortable to wear as they are starting to pull. Its strange as when I was a lot bigger I dont remember noticing that they were getting tighter, but now im more aware?

Not a positive post im sorry maybe tomorrow.........

Monday, 20 July 2009

Another 1.5lb OFF!

Another 1.5lb OFF! How great it that?? I am over the moon! WOO HOO!!!

Saturday I went to Oxford on my "roadtrip", how eventful was that? Well long story short (I wont bore you with the details) we nipped in Tesco on the way to get some supplies and the damn woman wouldnt serve us for a bottle of wine even though 2 out of 3 of us produced ID showing we were 27 going on 28! What made it worst is that my friend who didnt have the ID wasnt purchasing alcohol as she is pregnant with twins! They eventually kicked us out of Tesco!

So on our way to ASDA we witnessed a car accident and acted as a witness.

Things settled down then we got the hotel went for a swim etc... on our way to dinner my pregnant friend asked if we could use the lift as she couldnt manage the stairs. We got stuck!
Anyway it was a lovely but naughty weekend food & drink wise so firmly back on the wagon with my NEW pedometer gripped to me! I love my new toy I cant bear to take it off! So menu today:-
B:-Museli with skimmed milk (4)
S:- Apple (0.5)
L:- 0 point soup with 2 bread (3)
S:- Count on us choc mousse (1.5)
T:- Smoked haddock (not weighed this yet) Roast veg (0) corn on cob (1)
= 10/21 allowing cod, pudding...... Trying to claw back points!

Fingers crossed this week for another 1lb and then I will have lost a small bale of hay!

"Hay" here I come!

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Top of the World

You know some days you feel just damn right positive - well im having one of them today! I managed to stick to my 18 points yesterday so that has contributed vastly. Its because things are under control isnt it? You then relax and go with things rather than panic and great stressed?
Im getting back in to the rountine of after Lily going to bed getting organised for the next day, making lunch, ensuring we have the following nights tea ready, clothes are ironed etc.... but by the time I do this im shattered and its pretty much bed time! But thats being a mother I guess :)
So food food food - Do I think of anything else? No I LOVE the stuff! What do I love about it? The taste, texture, the feeling of being full? What do I dislike? The cals, sat fat, the bloated feeling of eating too much, gaining weight..... Neverending story I guess, thats why it needs controling.
I really hope that Deb has my pedometer in class on Saturday for me? Now ive got her mobile number ill text her tomorrow and she if shes has managed to get me one? If not ill drop by another class to get one I think?
Im off to Oxford on Saturday night with the girls to visit my best mate who runs the Barcelo hotel there which will be great fun! I love seeing my girlies! We've been best mates since primary school to nearly 25 yrs now! WOW! I volunteered to drive so that should stop the snacking while driving! Last time we went I was a passenger and I polished off 2 tubs of Rocky Road pieces!!!
Wont be doing that this weekend thats for sure! We are eating in the hotel on Saturday night so ill be careful but may have a few glasses of wine? Not too many though as im driving back the next morning!
Ill take some pics! You can see ive gained weight in them for sure since my sister's bday in May! :(
Anyway not for much longer I will get in the 12's again and STAY THERE!

Monday, 13 July 2009

3lb OFF!

Well im overjoyed! I dropped 3lb on Saturday morning WI from the 8lb I gained so really pleased!
They didnt have any pedometers in stock so Deb has ordered me one so fingers crossed this week! Everyone raves about them and I def need the motivation so lets go! Do you know WW customer service centre are useless! I mailed them last weeek to try and get in touch with Deb as her tel number wasnt on my card and do you think it was possible? NO! By the time you mail them and get the auto reply and then they reply and you reply... its neverending! Hey hopefully ill get it this week and cut the moaning! :)

Had a chat with a new lady member at class on Saturday as we were all talking about variety and this is something I lack. She mentioned that she eats a lot of fish and this is something I like but im not brave enough to take the time experimenting.
She suggested fresh tuna ovberbaked in a foil parcell with a squeeze of lemon, then when cooked serve with a dollop of mayo and sweet chillio mixed together, veggies and new pots! Sounds delish! I will give it a go!

I am now officially 1 stone and 1 lb over the lightest I have been since doing WW (12st 8lb) and have messed around good and proper recently.
So mini goals...- (15lb to loose) and I HATE to say this but 24wks til XMAS!!!! OMG
18th July - 1lb off
25th July - 2lb off
1st Aug - 1.5lb off
8th Aug - 2lb off
15th Aug - 1lb off
22nd Aug - STS
29th Aug - 1.5lb off

Happy Weight Watching! xxx

Thursday, 9 July 2009

8lbs = Weight of a human head

So not only does 8lb feel like ive gained the world in weight but to be precise its approxmatley the weight of a average human head!

I do the above list though as its a great movtivator to see the weight dropping off!

Sorry lads - Yesterday the almighty TOTM month came and OMG after taking that pill to stop it while I was on holiday it has made me feel 100 times worse than I would have normally! So I feel so sluggish and bloated def not a pretty site! Hopefully should help me with WI though on Saturday help to drop a few lbs??

Yesterday I managed to stay within my 18 points (kickstart) and gave myself a pat on the back, my aunt called round for a cuppa and talked all evening so it helped me stay out of the fridge! Yummy tea we had omalette, salad and jacket potato! After she left I prepper tonights tea which I have asked hubbie to make a spag bol and a chilli both will be bulked out with veggies and beans do reduce the amount of meat (points). At least then tea is ready for tonight and again helps with having a plan set in place for when I get home from work.

Didnt managed any excercise :( although ive tried in vain to get in touch with my leader this week to ensure she keeps a pedometer in stock for me!

At class on Monday I bought the Italian cook book which has some great recipes in - cant wait to try them out! Any recommendations?

Generally a quiet week overall with us coming home from hols, hubbie still poorly though!

Anyone been watching Big Bro? Not bowled over as much this year, maybe cos I dont have a clear fav yet??

I heard that Supersize V Superskinny has started back? I love that show!

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Day 2 of being good

Well managed to behave yesterday and stay within my points and so far so good today :)

May even start to work on my "wings" tonight, after wearing a tankini all week I had a really good look at my body and I really havent been blessed with good skin. I know you only get out what you put in and in all honestly im not putting a lot in.

I cannot expect my body to loose 7.5 stone in weight and spring back! Wishfull thinking! I think even with surgery you would still need to excercise to tone up. Does anyone have any tips?

I really need a excercise buddy as I never instigate excercise, I need to be pushed!

What excercise do you enjoy?

Happy WW'ing everyone!

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Holiday result!

Hi all,

First day back to normallity today :( Eventful thats for sure! A lovely holiday but hubbie picked up a bug towards the end which at this stage we think is food poisoning (still awaiting test results) and Lily came home with a back of a earring wedged in her ear canal so a trip to A&E was in order first thing!
So last night I was feeling the bloat so found a local class (I dont usually weigh until Saturday) and thought lets get this over with......... 8lb! So she says! Im in denial as I know I was a naughty girl but but not 8lbs worth of naughtiness!!! Thats the biggest gain I have EVER had in my life!
So armed with lots of good foods and a kickstart plan Im going to drop that 8lb!

Hope everyone is good! Speak soon x