Monday, 13 July 2009

3lb OFF!

Well im overjoyed! I dropped 3lb on Saturday morning WI from the 8lb I gained so really pleased!
They didnt have any pedometers in stock so Deb has ordered me one so fingers crossed this week! Everyone raves about them and I def need the motivation so lets go! Do you know WW customer service centre are useless! I mailed them last weeek to try and get in touch with Deb as her tel number wasnt on my card and do you think it was possible? NO! By the time you mail them and get the auto reply and then they reply and you reply... its neverending! Hey hopefully ill get it this week and cut the moaning! :)

Had a chat with a new lady member at class on Saturday as we were all talking about variety and this is something I lack. She mentioned that she eats a lot of fish and this is something I like but im not brave enough to take the time experimenting.
She suggested fresh tuna ovberbaked in a foil parcell with a squeeze of lemon, then when cooked serve with a dollop of mayo and sweet chillio mixed together, veggies and new pots! Sounds delish! I will give it a go!

I am now officially 1 stone and 1 lb over the lightest I have been since doing WW (12st 8lb) and have messed around good and proper recently.
So mini goals...- (15lb to loose) and I HATE to say this but 24wks til XMAS!!!! OMG
18th July - 1lb off
25th July - 2lb off
1st Aug - 1.5lb off
8th Aug - 2lb off
15th Aug - 1lb off
22nd Aug - STS
29th Aug - 1.5lb off

Happy Weight Watching! xxx


  1. Excellent! 3lb is a great achievement, well done. 24 weeks till Christmas?! Put like that it doesn't sound much:-O

    Re the cheese & bacon gnocchi bake from the Italian book the other night - it was fiddlesome to cook, and I overcooked the gnocchi so they were a bit soggy, but the flavours were very good, and it was satisfying. I also recommend the flipover Weekdays cookbook - it has quite a few very tasty and quick and easy recipes too. I've forgotten what it's like to cook a meal without a WW book now...

  2. Thanks I was over the moon with the 3lb! Hopefully nice loss this week too!

    Gnocchi is something ive never tried? I did purchase it once and it just sat in my fridge until the date ran out :( But now ive got my book ill have a go at that one! I had a flick though that weekdays book and it did loook very good. Im hoping to get my pedomoeter this week (im also a excercise phobic!) so that should get me going..... :)
