Tuesday, 11 August 2009


Sorry for my lack of blogging this week..... I kinda had writers block??
Anyway back to business, having a great week so far, ok ok it is only Tuesday after all and we all know that sooo much can change. I really liked this picture as this is me! I read the books, go to class do all the right things yet somehow think it is ok to eat rubbish some weeks and hope for a FREE PASS from the WW gods!

Who else does this?

Not this week though im trying really hard, I went to the gym again yesterday and sweated it out for another hour. Then came home to a lovely tea of fish, salad, coleslaw and homemade wedges all for 6 points!

I feel really heavy this week TOTM and all so pouring water in me like there is no tomorrow! Really hoping for a loss or at least a STS? My belly is sooo huge and heavy!

Here are some piccies of the weekend, we went to Roath Park on the boats. I should have rowed - worked those bingo wings! I also got some lovely piccies of the butterflies in the garden.

Menu today:
B:- Museli with skimmed milk (4)
S:- WW bar (1.5)
L:- Small jacket (2) coleslaw (1) salad (0) Muller (1.5)
S:- Cherries (1.5)
T:- Chicken Bhuna (not pointed yet)

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