Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Fruit Kebabs

Hi all,
Thought I would post quickly about another new discovery of mine and my sweet tooth!

I had my cousin over last night for a natter and some supper (spag bol), only I didnt have a dessert at hand so I whipped up some fruit kebabs. They consisted of kiwi, satsuma,pineapple and grapes oh and not forgeting strawberries. I made us up 2 each and drizzled them with chocolate - THEY WERE TO DIE FOR!

Im going to WI in tomorrow morning which is 2 days early for me so im not sure what to expect? Im just going with the moto "No more gains", STS is fine but def NO GAINS!
Our bodies are funny things though as I waiting for the excercise to catch up and stop me loosing and TOTM is due? But hey ho we'll know in the morning.
The reason for this is that im going out with the girlies on Friday night and a meal out the night before WI always shows a gain for me?! Dont know why this happens so im gonna weigh in early!
Tonights evening meal is Smoked cod loin, corn on the cob, baby pots, veg (6)?? Ill calculate it when I get home.

Have a great eve everyone peace out xxx

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